20th March

elephant elephant
2 min readMar 20, 2021



No idea what this stat means, but it says the top is at $260,000. how can i be sure?

I have no fucking idea how I can be sure. I have no real idea what this means, and so I can’t make any cross-examinations with other data to counteract any of these postulations.

And so my learning curve stops here, if I don’t make any sense of what it is correlating, and why the correlation exists. Because really, the learning is in why the correlation exists- as a means to predicting future behaviour etc.

Getting swept up in your bags

I’m sure this guy has made a good amount. But he’s missed out Lukso, which is probably the strongest one of all in that list. This isn’t to make a point about Lukso, so much as to say “there are always more good bags to find” — and that being caught up in your bags means that you don’t find them.

If your bags are so great, then they will take care of themselves, just by you holding them. Now, you can focus on finding new opportunities, rather than just jacking off to the ones that you have already found. You know what you have, but you never know what you don’t know. This is where getting sloppy comes into play. This attitude will also likely help with existing bags, so as to not get married to them.



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